Boys and Girls are Different... and That's Ok!!

Boys and Girls are different, it is a lovely fact of life. But just how different are we? Why would we be different? Does this mean… we are not the same?!?!

Yes, there has been a huge controversy over the past several decades about equality. And I do agree, men and women need to have equal rights in the workplace or in social instances. I do not think, however, that this means we all need to be the exact same person. We are all innately unique. We all have different talents and abilities, some more noticeable than others. For example, I am incapable of eating 20 hotdogs in 10 minutes. There are some people that have that talent, and I applaud them for their abilities!

The same goes for men and women. I am going to be very sensitive from here on out, and I will be talking in generalities. So, I will apologize now, and if you would like to message me, I’d love to chat about it!

Generally speaking, women tend to be more social than men. This making women also more violent or aggressive on a social platform versus men who are more physically violent and aggressive. While men are more spatially oriented (meaning they know where they are based on location), women tend to be more relationally orientated (meaning they use landmarks to know where they are.) Men tend to be solvers and fix things, while women tend to communicate and ask questions in solving problems. This is why you and your partner tend to fight when you get lost on road trips. The wife will tell you to pull over and ask for directions while the man generally refuses and continues forward. I myself am a landmark user. When people ask me for directions to Walmart, for example, I would tell them to turn right out of the apartment complex, go down the road till the first stop sign, turn left, and then keep going straight until you see Walmart on your right.

Now, these differences don’t make one gender better or worse than the other. It just makes us, well, different! And that’s ok! Can you imagine a world that is only made up of people who are physical? We would end up never communicating and everything would be solved through violence. Or a world that is only made up of landmarks? How would you send mail?! We’d be living in a world like Harry Potter, a letter addressed to the guy living in the cupboard under the stairs of the Dursley house. It would definitely not be very efficient.

That is the beauty of having both genders living cohesively together in this world!! When we are able to work together, things get done. The important part of this is that we respect each other for our different and unique abilities. Because there are women who can be more physical and actually can understand maps! And there are men who are fantastic communicators and can relate to those around them. Everyone is different, and everyone has different abilities to help the world go around.

This is especially prevalent in our homes. Our moms and dads act different, and most of the time, it works!! We learn something from each of them, and we grow as a person. Even with our siblings, we each act and play differently which helps us grow up into someone that is well-rounded.

So, are we different? Yes. Is that ok? Also yes!! God created each of us different for a reason. He wants us to become the best versions of ourselves. We can learn this through paying attention to and respecting those around us.

Different is good!!

So, as you go through this week, contemplate the differences in YOUR families!! What makes your mom tick? What helps your dad go forward? What do you do?!

Good luck this week!!


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